I am specialised in Creating Shared Value through Strategy, Innovation, Negotiation and Implementation.
By stimulating social entrepreneurship; balance between Impact and Financials. Helping companies and people to advise and create sustainable connections to improve quality of life. Creating a better balance in Food/FMCG between People, Planet and Profit.
Inspired? Read de cases below and download the papers.
Nyenrode Paper Strategy - Competing rock bottom or rock chocolate : analysing current strategy and recommendation for new strategy.
Nyenrode Paper Innovation - Competing on NPD or NOT TO BE: analysing current NPD-process and recommendation for new NPD-process.
As an expert-mentor,
I share my knowledge and expertise with teams that have specific
questions about countries, sectors, markets or particular business needs.
Nyenrode paper based on Social Entrepreneurship and Creating Shared Value in Food.
Nyenrode Paper JUMBO: I wrote two papers based on (future) sustainability. 1) Messages with Trust.
Nyenrode Paper JUMBO: I wrote two papers based on (future) sustainability. 2) Messages without Waste.